To mark the urgent need of environment protection, JM INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL celebrated EARTH WEEK from 16 April to 21 April, 2018 with a number of activities. Special sessions to sensitize students about emerging environmental problems were successfully taken by the teachers. Primary students took the initiative to increase the green cover of the school premises by planting saplings and used waste material to make useful craft out of it. In order to remind themselves, their role in protecting Mother Earth, students wrote messages and pasted them to their belongings.
Middle school students on other hand checked their day to day habits by a ‘Green Audit’ and brought some remarkable changes in their life. Some switched to cloth or paper bags, others used old plastic bottle to grow plants, some opted drip method of watering plants while others switched to reusable pens. These simplest changes can bring large differences to our ailing Earth, became the main theme of the week. Though Earth Day is celebrated on 22nd April, but our efforts and contribution to help our planet should not be a one day story. Keeping this in mind students prepared bookmarks highlighting their ‘green resolution’ which always reminds them their duty towards our home planet.
A morning assembly was conducted by class VIIth A on 26th April 2018 with the theme of Earth Day. The students of the class presented a song 'The Earth Song' and also showcased a choreography on 'Save the elements of Earth' . A presentation was also shown by the students depicting the importance of Earth Day and how it was started.