Mr Vivek Sharma, a young freelance journalist has been honoured with ‘National Achievement’ award in ‘Photo Journalism’. Legend photographer O. P. Sharma and Sandeep Marwah (Founder of Film City in Nodia and Director-AAFT) facilitated the award during the National Workshop on Photo Journalism and National Achievement Award event at Marwah Studio on 6th August 2016. Mr Vivek Sharma is promoting cultural relationship between India and Korea since 2013. In this process he is using photography as a key tool in creative manner. His photography contributed to support Minority Hindu refugees from Pakistan and now they have most basic life support facilities like availability of food, water and electricity. He is the one who had given the slogan ‘Mai Anna Hun’, ‘I am Anna’ during the Anna movement against corruption. And he was the first person to write that on Anna caps and distribute those. With his creative skills he has resolved cases of domestic violence, child marriage etc. He had also been telling about the operation of DSLR camera to underprivileged children to give them opportunity for taking up photography at some later moment of their life if possible.