Shiksha Bharati Public School conducted - Save Tiger Measures in India, Russia, Bhutan and Nepal

Shiksha Bharati Public School, Sec-7, Dwarka, New Delhi conducted various activities in the month of August, 2016, under its ISA Project based on the theme ‘Save Tiger Measures in India, Russia, Bhutan and Nepal’. These included Enactment on the importance of Tigers by Class I students. Research work was done on the measures taken by chosen countries to save tigers by the students of X class. Finally, they prepared bar graph showing the number of tigers from the year 1960 to 2016.

Slogans and placards were prepared showing the need to protect tigers. They walked about along with teachers to make people aware of the importance of tigers. Feedbacks from public, parents and students were received. School Manager and Principal commended the efforts of the participants in all the activities and motivated them to create a wave of change in their responsive acts.

Received via e-mail from Shiksha Bharati Public School

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