JM International School hosted Srijan - Exposition of Flair and Skill

JM International School hosted ‘Srijan: The project expo’ with great aplomb on 29th July 2016. It comprised of a picturesque exhibit of the diverse projects and models prepared by students from classes Ankur to VIII.

The parents were not only in awe of the creative display, but also amazed by the buoyancy children revealed as they eloquently explained their projects.

Students of classes VI to VIII also presented self invented working models of the Rube Goldberg Machines; that is designing overly complicated apparatus that fixes everyday problems with wit and creativity.

The curious boffins left all spellbound with their appalling effort, patience and diligence, along with lucid speaking skills, as they explained and worked their model time and again. Mr. Avtar Singh, an eminent name in the field of education and par excellence in mathematics graced the occasion with his esteemed presence. He encouraged the children to follow their dreams and appreciated their assiduousness.

The day was indeed full of glee and exhilaration for all students of the school who demonstrated exceptional ardor throughout the programme.

Report : Ms. Garima Vats

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