Shiksha Bharati Public School, Dwarka, organised IMAGES - Inter School Competition on 22nd April, 2016, on the occasion of The World Earth Day with the theme 'Save the Ailing Planet'.
Lamp was lighted followed by Saraswati Vandana. The Chief Guest Ms Ann Marie Everitte - First Secretary, Embassy of United States of America and the guest of honour Mr. Milton F.D'souza were welcomed by Principal Ms Mamta Gupta..
More than 20 schools participated from Dwarka, Janakpuri and Vikas Puri. The total number of competitions for 12 with International dimensions. Competent judges adjudged the competitions fairly. I, II & III position holders were given prizes by the chief guest & principal madam,
The overall first position & Rolling Trophy were won by Shiksha Bharati Public School for securing maximum points, as per tradition the position and Trophy were passed to Sri VIS. IInd position was secured by St. Thomas School and IIIrd position was claimed by RD Rajpal School. The speech of the chief guest was enthralling. Hon'ble manager madam conveyed her blessings for all participants and winners. Everyone enjoyed the programme.