The school took another leap ahead in providing a platform to the young Bagrodians to showcase their acumen at a larger platform at Raahgiri event in Dwarka on 30th August 2015. The event was organized by HT, Delhi. The people at Raahgiri were completely mesmerized by the young danseurs of the school who presented their vibrant dance performances and took the audience to another level of exhilaration. The students prepared the two dance numbers, Ganesh Vandana and Puppet Dance, under the guidance of the dance and Music teachers of NKBPS, Dwarka. The charming girls from classes IV to VII showcased graceful Ganesh Vandana with a praiseworthy serenity. Puppet Dance was performed by the sprightly boys from class VI who made the whole crowd spellbound by their awesome moves. This was a unique and difficult performance where the children tied their hands on top and painted their stomach and it looked as if huge puppets were dancing. The crowd kept on cheering the students with their every move. Dr. (Mrs.) Rajee N.Kumar, Principal of N.K.Bagrodia Public School and Ms. Jaishree Nawani, Vice Principal of N.K.Bagrodia Global School were also present at the gathering along with a number of school teachers to cheer the students .The school’s sister concern NKB Global School, Dwarka was also the part of the event and its students performed a beautiful Tribal Dance from Jharkhand. The audience and the HT Group organizer applauded the school’s commendable efforts for giving an opportunity to its students to show their talent and be a part of such mega event.