Prembabu sharmaMrs Jaya Bachchan inaugurated the Solar Power Systems installed at the Shri Sai Baba Temple at Shirdi an initiative by the Urja Foundation Charitable Trust. Mrs Bachchan graced with her presence for this noteworthy initiative tomorrow morning at Shirdi. After the inauguration, Mrs Bachchan also seeked blessings with Darshan at the holy temple.
URJA FOUNDATION CHARITABLE TRUST AIMS to create awareness of renewable energy and is engaging and facilitating various prominent places of beliefs, faith and hope into adapting the same. Taking the solar solutions where it is required the most they also engage into rural electrification with partners Dr. Harivansh Rai Bachchan Memorial Trust. At the Shri Sai Baba Temple at Shirdi with Solar Power, the installation of the solar power system provides an eco friendly source of energy.
Solar power is a great platform for sustainable development and inclusive growth and provides eco friendly solution to the much needed necessity of life electricity. With the growing energy needs of our country solar power can prove to be a great asset in our growth and development.