Apeejay School of Management organized 6th National Conference on Contemporary Management and Research on 17th October, 2014. The theme of conference was Advancements in Management Theories and Practices (NCAMTP-2014).
The welcome address was delivered by Prof. Alok Saklani, Director, Apeejay School of Management. Prof. Ashok Ogra, Director, Apeejay Institute of Mass Communication introduced the theme of conference, where he talked about global macro environment, impact of technology and need for sustainable business practices.

Inaugural address was delivered by Mr. Krishan Sachdev, Managing Director, Carrier Midea India Pvt. Ltd, considering current business complexities he stressed on the need to focus and prioritize. He also delved on the need of ethical conduct at the personal as well as organizational level. Mr. Sunil Pant, Former Chief General Manager, SBI, focussed on the various challenges as well as opportunities present in the banking and financial industry. Dr. C. P Gupta, Head, Department of Financial Studies, South Campus Delhi University, New Delhi focused on setting the research agenda while emphasizing that research is an intellectual pursuit . Vote of thanks was delivered by Prof. Etinder Pal Singh, Conference Convenor, Apeejay School of Management.

Inaugural session was followed by research paper presentation by the researchers in the technical sessions. Overall 23 research papers were presented by the participants from both academia and corporate coming from various parts of India. In the end the session chairs Prof. Kamal Kishore and Prof. Amit Sareen summed up the conference preceding and delivered their concluding remarks.