Appreciation Day celebrated at SVIS

Sri Venkateshwar International School celebrated Appreciation Day on May24, 2014. The event marked the felicitation of 625 meritorious students in various categories that define their 3Rs-Reading, Writing and Arithmetic abilities signifying the academic prowess. Soft skills were awarded through recognition of music, dance and theatrical abilities along with sports and oratory skills. Above all ,the school lays emphasis on the 4 Cs; that define the quality of Care, Concern, Compassion and Courtesy-the hallmark of value based education or the imparting of Life Skills; so necessary to be a good human being. Many students were recipients of 4Cs Award.

Mr Sailander Solanki, Chairman Sri Venkateshwar International School and Gp Captain Ishwar Singh, Advisor to Venkateshwar Group of Schools were the Guests of  Honour for the occasion.

The School Principal Ms Nita Arora welcomed and congratulated the parents on the distinguished achievement of their wards. In her musings she reminded the parents to deliberately be aware of the space between stimulus and response and strive to increase it; so that we never have to struggle with a feeling of guilt due to a reaction made in haste.

The Programme began with Lamp Lighting and the auspicious chanting of the Gayatri mantra to ignite the mind and soul to continually strive for perfection. The invocation dance paid obeisance to the almighty to help in all endeavours.

The event progressed with the awards being conferred in the various categories. It brought to the fore the potential of each Sri Venkateshwarite as they showcased their prowess with equal ease in both the scholastic and co-scholastic areas.

The event highlighted the heightened awareness of the students as they brought out the pertinent issue of global warming through a street play .The nimble feet of the dancers showcased routines as diverse as the Chinese Dance and the Lion King Theatrical. The performances lit up the stage.

It was an enriching experience as the event showcased, appreciated and cherished the multiple intelligences of all the students. Keeping in with its ideology of inculcating strong values with a penchant for achieving the Venkateshwarites won the adulation of all present.

It also brought to the fore the role of parents and facilitators in evolution of each student into a confident and aware denizen ready to accomplish and achieve through their sheer strength and belief in their potential.

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