My daughter Preeti 35-year, took admission in the CGHS Maternity Hospital, Sector 5, R.K. Puram, New Delhi on the morning of 15th December, 2013, she was taken to the OT for delivery at about 1.00 p.m. on 18th December, 2013 but on 24th, found herself on the ventilator in Sir Ganga Ram Hospital when she regained consciousness. Delivery was due in mid-January but there; she was surgically operated and delivered a girl child on 18th December. Her husband, mother-in-law and other relatives who were at the Hospital told that after some hours of the delivery, they noticed that her condition began to deteriorate, she was dipping but on making complaints for this, doctors did not act saying that there is no need to worry as she is sleeping. Preeti is working as gazetted officer in the Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi-11. More details are as under:

On 19th December, 2013
2. Her mother-in-law told that in the evening after 8.00 p.m. on 19th December, she and other relatives were suddenly told to arrange for two bottles of blood as doctors found her condition serious. After conducting an ultra sound at about 8.00 to 9.00 p.m. by the doctors at R.K. Puram Hospital, they have to rush her to Safdarjung hospital in an ambulance with two doctors after 9.00 p.m. where, according to relatives present there, the doctors told them that it was a hopeless case as they failed to find her pulse and her blood has seeped out. Her husband told me that at the time of shifting her to Safdarjung, he and other relatives pleaded to take her either to the Apollo, Mool Chand or Ganga Ram hospital instead of taking her to Safdarjung Hospital but the Doctors of CGHS hospital. I received tw calls from my son-in-law on my mobile, first at 21.42 p.m. (missed) and the second at 22.28 p.m. on 19th Dec. informing me about her worst condition and I, along with my wife, immediately rushed to the Safdarjung Hospital.

3. That in Safdarjung, doctors had to operate her again which started around 2.00 a.m. (midnight) and after that operation, she had to be put on the ventilator there. Doctors told that they have to remove her uterus and told that they found her kidney damaged. She was treated at Safdarjung between 19th Dec. to 22nd Dec. 2013.

On 22nd December, 2013 (Sunday):
4. That on noticing the condition of my daughter was not improving or even worsening despite giving 7-8 units of blood, she has to be shifted to the Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in the morning on mechanical ventilator and reached there after 12.00 noon. According to letter dated 31.12.2013 of Ganga Ram Hospital, at the time of admission, was suffering with post-partum haemorrhage (bleeding) with sepsis (infection) with acute kidney injury with encephalopathy (a disease of the brain). The doctors of R.K. Puram Hospital has not informed about the reason of such a pathetic condition and the Safdarjung Hospital has not given the medical record to Ganga Ram Hospital which the relative presume to protect the perceived carelessness at the CGHS Hospital. Even the Safdarjung hospital has shared her MRD No. (treatment record on internet) which was 142333 after much pleadings by her husband before her shifting to Sir Ganga Ram Hospital. The Doctor of private ambulance was allowed to study the treatment record at Safdarjung Hospital before shifting her informally told the relatives that the doctors of R.K. Puram hospital have not properly sealed/capped her veins after the operation leading to the blood oozing. 

5. That after the delivery, the newly-born girl had to be kept at Dr. B.L. Kapoor Hospital, Pusa Road, New Delhi for a week and have to pay Rs. 40,000/- for this apart from paying lakhs of rupees to the Ganga Ram Hospital and the estimated expenses told by the Ganga Ram Hospital is Rs. 5 lakh. Relatives of the young officer say that the doctors of CGHS hospital put her life in danger because of carelessness in her treatment. Relatives are now demanding an enquiry into this perceived negligence.

Citizen's reporter:
M K. Gupta

Free Lance Journalist and Social worker

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