Several citizens from south Delhi did a candlelight walk on 16 December,the anniversary of Nirbhaya’s brutal gang-rape. They walked from DDA flats Munirka, past the Nirbaya spot (the spot where Nirbhaya was raped) on Munirka main road and towards Vasant Vihar. The procession ended at the Vasant Vihar police station where the citizens left their placards and their candles.
The purpose of the walk was to show solidarity with Nirbhaya’s family and with all those who are currently healing from any form of sexual abuse. It also served to underline the fact that the desire for safety and justice remains deeply entrenched in the hearts of the public.
The group made several public resolves in the police station. They asked the police to resolve to work sincerely for the public’s safety. The group pledged to support one another as citizens and not only rely on Governmental and non-governmental agencies to look after them. They resolved to have a major stake in their own safety from now on.
The event was organised by the Justice Seekers group, a well-knit association of several NGO’S and citizens pooling their energies for common causes.
Citizen's reporter:Anjali Mehta