Film Screening: SAMA – Muslim Mystic Music of India on 11th October @6.00 PM

Film: SAMA – Muslim Mystic Music of India 

Direction: Shazia Khan
Duration: 52 min
Cinematography: Salim Khan & Shazia Khan
Script: Shazia Khan & Saba Rehman
Editing: Prateek Purkayastha & A. K. Ranjit Rana

The Film explores the Islamic music traditions in India and portrays how they have borrowed and taken inspiration from the culture of the India, in both form and content, to become a truly magnificent sound. The Film discovers that connection which allows the artiste to become one with the creator and experience peace, calm, serenity and joy.

SAMA selected for screenings in:
1. Dara Shikoh Arts Festival, Srinagar (India-2013)
2. PSBT Open Frame, New Delhi (India-2013)
3. Taiwan International Film Festival, Taiwan (2013)
4. Film Southasia, Nepal (2013)
5. IMZ Womex, Austria (2013)

The IGNCA Film Circle screens two films a month on the second and fourth Friday.

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