With the blessings of Lord Sri Ram, Sri Ram Mandir, Sector 7, Dwarka is pleased to inform its devotees that it will be conducting HANUMAN CHALISA NAKSHATRA MALA on Thursday, the 15th August 2013 at the temple complex. This programme will be performed by Shree Vishnu Sahasranama Namasankirthana Mandali led by Shri Shankar Bhagavathar.

Since the chanting of Hanuman Chalisa removes all kinds of obstacle, fear, doshas and gives strength, sharpness of mind etc. it has been proposed to chant Hanuman Chalisa for all the 27 Stars/Nakshtrams.

The function will start with Special Abhishekam and Sahasranama Archanai to Lord Sri Hanuman at 8.00AM.

108 pieces will be offered to Lord Sri Hanuman - Moolavar and Utsavar respectively for each of the 27 Star/nakshatram sankalpam.

For further details please contact :
M.Viswanathan - 9312247576
R.Krishna Kumar - 9868231042

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