The selection round held at DDA Sports Complex, Sector-11, Dwarka. In the said trial more than 100 cricket players from various parts of Delhi & NCR participated. To get better selection out of Delhi there are five trials will be held in Delhi and one trial each will be held in NCR i.e; Gurgaon, Noida, Bahadurgarh, Ghaziabad and Fridabad etc.
This initiative step for upcoming cricketing generation is taken by Human Research and Development (Registered) (HRDO)-NGO who has successfully organized DLCL in 2011 and 2012 also. It is the best platform for the budding cricketers to show their talent in front of national & international reputed players & coaches.
According to Mr. Ganesh Dutt-Chairman of HRDO, “We will select 16 teams for U-19 & eight teams for U-14 age group. On 2nd October, with a grand opening ceremony at Talkatora Stadium, the tournament will start and final match will be palyed at Air Force Cricket ground, Palam. On 14th November, we will felicitate the outstanding players of the tournament in a grand closing ceremony”.
This T20 overs tournament ( DLCL) has got recognition from Indian Premier Corporate League (Indian Twenty20 Cricket Federation (ITCF) approved by Ministry of Sports & Youth Affairs - Government of India.
For more information contact: Ganesh Dutt - Chairman (Mobile: 9718753188)