Match fixing - that's not cricket!

Anil Attavar 
South Delhi Apartments
Plot No. 8, Sector 4, Dwarka

Have a look today – at the game of bat and ball,
And remember the exploits – of Sobers, Griffith and Hall.

Those were the days – of guts, grit and skill,
When underhand dealings, were absolutely nil.

In stark contrast to good old days, is the scene today,
As to the lure of temptation, players are falling prey.

Fans worship their heroes, coming from far off lands,
It could only be a matter of – money changing hands.

Spectators surge to the stadium, braving heat and cold,
The result is but decided, before the first ball is bowled.

As the crowds throng - to get their money’s worth,
The match played in Mumbai - could well be fixed in Perth.

Whether it’s a T20, or a five day test,
A player may have taken money, not to do his best.

There is simply no end to the madness and the craze,
The stars may not be worthy, of such fulsome praise.

Rival supporters follow the game – with emotions mixed,
Little do they realize – the match has been fixed.

No more glorious uncertainties, in this glorious game,
The game is not played on the pitch – that’s a crying shame.

In the past, the game was watched, by all with bated breath
Very soon, the game could be – in the throes of death.

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