The Delhi Bhajana Samaj Sri Ram Mandir Trust is pleased to inform the devotees about the organization of 1st Samvatsara Celebrations (Anniversary) of the temple after the Kumbhabhishekam on 4th June 2012. The programme starts from 25th May 2013 as per the Star and culminates on 4th June 2013 the English day on which the Kumbhabhishekam was held.
Apart from religious programmes (Homams / Parayanams etc), a variety of cultural programmes are also being arranged at the temple complex in the morning and evening respectively from 25th May 2013 to 4th June 2013.
As part of the Samvatsara Celebrations, as already informed to the devotees, after modification of the Vinayagar and Anjaneyar Sannadhis, the Punar Pranapratishta will be held on 24th May 2013. The function will start from 6.00 AM and the Pratishta will take place between 8.00 and 9.00 AM, which will be followed by the Vaikasi Vishakam Celebrations.
For further details, please contact:
Sh M. Viswanathan - 9312247576 Sh S. Ganesan - 9810138189