Jhankar organized by Shiksha Bharati Public School

Shiksha Bharati Public School, Sec-7, Dwarka organized Inter School “Jhankar” competitions on 14th Dec. 2012 in school’s auditorium. The chief guest Mr. Anil Kumar Gupta, Music Director of Sangeet Mahavidyalya, Mahavir Enclave was welcomed and honoured with a shawl and a memento by the principal, Mrs. Mamta Gupta. 11 Schools participated in different competitions like Duet classical dance, folk dance, western dance, solo song and patriotic song as well as on the spot drawing and painting competition. 

Everyone enjoyed the competitions. Six competent judges adjudged various competitions. Shiksha bharati school won the Rolling Trophy. The programme came to an end with a vote of thanks by honourable Manager, Mrs. Ramesh Kumari Bhardwaj.

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