SAMOOHIK (community) Rudra Puja Shravan Maas in DWARKA.
Date: 14th July - Saturday- 6.30 pm - Community Hall, Royal Residency, Plot 5 Sector 9 Dwarka
15 July - Sunday- 6.30pm -Rama Trading Co. First floor, Nasirpur Dwarka
16 July - Monday - Evening - 6.30pm- Paramount School, Sector 23, Dwarka
22 July - Sunday - Evening - 6.30pm- Community Hall, True Friends Society, Plot no. 29, Sector 6. Dwarka
Art of Living, also facilitates a personal puja at Homes/ Office/Factories during this period at select available slots. If you want to avail this please contact Nagmani ji @ 9818097612.

Experience the bliss of Rudra Pooja and the soothing effect of vedic chanting. The chanting of the mantras is so pure and meditative that it takes us to a different plane. Shraavan is a special month for Shiva. It is believed that the Rudrapooja done in this month has manifold effect on the Sankalpas that we make.
“Oh! The lord of lords, Mahadev
The manifestation of the three worlds
The omnipresent, the pure consciousness
Destroyer of evil, lord of mercy and compassion
Source of fertility, bestower of prosperity
I pray to you, please shower your grace!”
What is Rudra Pooja

Rudrapooja is an ancient practice that has been followed in India since time immemorial. Rudra means Shiva – The Benevolent, The Destroyer of evil. Pooja means that which is born of fullness. Through this pooja one can aim for inner peace and fulfillment.
Why Rudra Pooja
The world is a play of energy, negative and positive. When we pray to Shiva – the Lord of transformation; the entire negative energy around us in the form of disease, depression, and unhappiness gets transformed into peace, prosperity and joy. Peace around us, in the mind, body and soul.
The Pooja Function: Saamoohik poojas means public function in a public hall. All are welcome to attend – those who have not done The Art of Living course are also welcome to attend and take a Sankalpa (i.e. become a yajman i.e. pooja would be done in his name) and participate in the Pooja. The gotra of people taking the Sankalpa would be pronounced before the initiation of the Pooja.
What is a Sankalpa?
Sankalpa is the specific purpose for which you are getting the Pooja performed. The pooja will be done in your name with your Sankalpa.
Benefits of Sankalpa
Sankalpas are taken for the sake of washing away one's sins and afflictions, for bringing peace, prosperity and happiness, along with family togetherness. Sankalpas bring so much peace and prosperity that more than 95% of people who have taken Sankalpas earlier continue to take Sankalpas every year.
All are cordially invited to attend the Puja by Swamiji and veda boys coming from Bangalore Ashram specially for the Rudra puja. It’s open to all. Please invite all your family members, friends and neighbours and pass this message to all.