RTI INDIA - 5th Anniversary celebrations

It’s a success story when it comes to RTI INDIA. We have completed 5 year this September 28th 2011. RTI INDIA came into web world on September 28th, 2006, by posting our first post to the world. This year we have seen the real power of RTI INDIA among common peoples life, where it was used as a tool for obtaining information and sharing over web.

Since its launch rtiindia.org has grown to serve more people in more different ways. During this year we launched following initiative:

1.Writerti.com : To promote sharing of RTI content directly through email
2.RTI Journalist Section: To promote Journalist to effectively use and disseminate RTI Stories
3.Mobile Application: Android and iPhone mobile RTI application to provide instant access to huge content of the website over mobile.

During this year we also expanded to four of the social networking sites:

1.Facebook: With more than 5000 members liking it
2.Twitter: With more than 2500 people following it
3.Linkedin: With 500 Professional network of people
4.RTI INDIA SMS: With more than 4500 subscribers receiving daily SMS updates over mobile

With the new induction to the RTI INDIA Team, we are pretty excited and hopeful that we would be able to build a much stronger community to help our members. I would like to thank all of our team members for taking up this selfless responsibility.

and finally, thank You to all who have visited this Website through the years. I hope you've found it to be helpful as well as informative. A Special Thank You to all who have contributed to the Contents and Posts. It's that spirit of teamwork and group participation that I hope will continue.

We couldn't have done it without you.

Please post your comments, feedback, or any word of encouragement; it will motivate us to work more.

Thank You!


Dwarka Parichay Team congratulates RTI INDIA for their sincere and cosistent efforts to explore and help public with the most powerful tool of AAM AADAMI - RTI.

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