C/o 750 Beds Hospital at Sec-9, Dwarka, New Delhi.
1. Name of work: C/o 750 Beds Hospital at Sector – 9, Dwarka, New Delhi.
2. Land Allotment:- DDA Allotted the land of 6 hectare to Chief Medical Officer hospital cell, E Block Saraswati Bhavan ,Cannaught place, New Delhi vide letter no. F 22(1) 96/IL/3141 dt 21.03.1997.
i) Hospital portion drawing for approval of committee of Doctors :- 15.04.2011
ii) Approval of drawing by committee of Doctors :- 20.04.2011
iii) Finalization of drawing by M/s Jasbir Sawhney & Associates, Consultant :- 30.04.2011
iv) Detailed estimate for skeleton structure work, Basement & Superstructure (Ph.-I) :- 15.05.2011
v) Notice Inviting Tenders for Skeleton structure work basement
& super structure (Ph.-I). :- 31.05.2011
vi) Calling of Tenders for Skeleton structure work basement & super structure (Ph.-I). :- 15.07.2011
vii) Award of Skeleton structural work basement & Super Superstructure (Ph.-I) :- 15.09.2011
viii) Date of start of Skeleton structure work :- 01.10.2011
ix) Tenders for package No. 3 i.e. balance Civil & Electrical work :- 01.04.2012
Date of completion for entire building :- 31.12. 2013
3. Background
M/S Jasbir Sawhney & Associates was appointed as consultant for this work in Dec. 1997 vide letter No.14/6/93-W/DA-II/8176-83 dated 23/12/1997. As per original proposal , the hospital was to be constructed for 500 beds and accordingly consultant prepared the drawing for 500 beds and the same was approved by Health Department. With the notification of MPD-2021, Ground coverage and FAR for hospital got increased. .In order to utilize the enhanced FAR and ground coverage, Directorate of Health Services directed PWD to increase the capacity of hospital from 500 beds to 750 beds and revise the drawings accordingly. Subsequently a decision was taken to convert 750 beds hospital into Teaching Hospital and therefore the consultant had revised the drawing again.
4. A/A & E/S :- Rs.350 Crore (349.80 Crore for component & 0.50 Crore for Revenue Component received from Health & Family Welfare Department, GNCTD vide letter No. F.401 (6)/2003/SFC/plg./324-336 dated 30.11.2007. This revised sanction has a provision of Rs.1000.30 lacs as a consultancy charges. The Phase-I construction includes emergency block & OPD block building, General ward block & special ward block upto plinth level.
Main Bottlenecks : Civil
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