Shri Jogindeer Singh, ex-Director, CBI inaugurated a two day Udyan Mela organized by Dwarka Unit of All India Kitchen Garden Association of India at Modern Convent School on 19th and 20th February, 2011.On this occasion the school children of Modern Convent presented a welcome song and Kalbalia Dance.
Beautiful flowers of Dahlia, Petunia, Pansies, Poppy, Cineraria, Paper flower, Kale, River Daisy, Calendula, Aster, Sweet Sultan, coreopsis, Cosmos, and Tulips were on display by Modern Convent, Pragati Public School and Ispatika Apartments and attracted the attention of visitors.
A special section displayed the inputs from members, like, hanging baskets, bonsai, tray gardening, rockery also attracted the attention of the visitors. Besides reasonably priced books on different aspects of gardening were also made available to the visitors.
Herbal plants and vermicompost were also made available at Udyan Mela. Arrangements were made for gardening enthusiast to procure gardening equipment, manures, pesticides, plants etc.
Visitors lauded the efforts of Dwarka Unit for organizing the event which was able to deliver the message of awareness about gardening amongst the residents of Dwarka. Labels: Better Dwarka Brigade, Celebration, Dwarka city, Dwarka schools, Inspiration, News-Events Dwarka, Parks