YOG SHIVIR FOR CHILDREN by Bhartiya Yog Sansthan Rohini has sucessfully completed its forth day today .Every day chIldren are coming with great enthusiasam and energy at 5.15 AM in sector 10 park near GOLOK Dham .Today children were practiced aasans specially for height improvement by Sh Anil Gupta Kendra parmookh sec 10 Dwarka . The most beautiful part of the day was that children from near by slum also joined the class and practiced yoga together with affluent class children . Yoga has broken the walls of social disparity . The children were further made aware by SMT Aaasha Yog teacher from sansthan regarding benefits of parnayam.
In the end children shared their individual experience of yoga class and day was concluded with prathna by Sh Ajit Singh.
Citizen's reporter
Rakesh Mehra