The Indian Heights School, Sector 23, Dwarka celebrated ‘The World Dance Day’ by organizing a Manipuri Dance Recital by Guru Rajkumar Singhajit Singh and Smt. Charu Sija Mathur, the well known and renowned Manipuri dancers under the aegis of Spic Macay. The artists were accorded a traditional welcome by the school Principal, Ms Archana Narain and the program commenced with the lighting of the lamp ceremony. Guru Singhajit Singh and his team enthralled the audiences with perfection in presentation of this vibrant dance form. He also explained in detail about the origin of Manipuri dance form, mudras, facial expressions, costumes etc. and answered the queries of the students. 

The various dance recitals from Krishan Ras Leela, Pung Cholom and a piece taken from Mahabharta when Arjun met Chitrangadha transcended the audience to an ethereal world of senses and left them spell bound. Vibrant and colourful costumes, energetic yet graceful dance moves dexterous hand movements along with novelty of the traditional dance form depicting a scene from Mahabharta. The jugal bandi with a unique choreography showcasing by the Manipuri drummers while playing on the drum and pung with their mesmerizing foot and body movement created a magic and was the most entertaining part of the program which was thoroughly enjoyed by the students as well as rapturously applauded. An informative and interactive session between the students and the artists culminated the unforgetful life experience.

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