UVCT organised sessions with the children at Tagore Garden

On 28 June, 2014, Hin'ble Chairman visited the Tagore Garden centre to meet with the students. After interacting with students in different classes, an assembly was held in the main hall. Mr. Anil Girotra began by speaking to the children about the benefits of opening bank accounts and starting Self-Help Groups. Newly hired employees also shared their experiences with the students. After this, Hon’ble Chairman addressed the beneficiaries on topics of motivation, drawing on his own and other’s experiences as a fine example for the possibilities available to them if only they are willing strive and work hard. The meeting was made interactive by urging students to come forth and share their views. Ity was heartening to see both boys and girls of the trust coming forth eagerly to listen and learn. It was also announced that psychological counseling and career guidance will be provided at the centre every Thursday to all the students, free of cost. Since the the counseling sessions have been carried out at the centre every week. The response from the students has been heartening with many coming forward to seek psychological help.

A follow up for this list was made 2 weeks later on 12 July, 2014. In this session, Hon'ble Chairman, Dr. U. N. B. Rao, gave certificates to the students who had completed their course in Life Skills Education. A small questionnaire was distributed among the beneficiaries who had attended the previous session which asked how the last talk had affected them. It was encouraging to see children share their goals in life and eager to make most of the opportunities that UVCT has to offer. It was a very interactive session with many students coming forward to confidently address the crowd. Some showed their skills in dancing and mehandi. All in all, the sessions proved to be great opportunity to interact with and motivate the beneficiaries of the trust

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