Diagnose Health Problems by Your Zodiac Sign

Your health is affected by zodiacal, planetary and stellar influences. Each sign of zodiac represents a certain part of human anatomy and the specific disease peculiar to it.

Aries - Mesha (21 March - 19 April)

· Head, pituitary, cerebrum, cerebellum, facial bones, upper jaw
· Wounds, fevers, short temperedness, diseases of impure blood, inflammatory disorders, sleeping sickness, headache, pyorrhoea, insomnia eye trouble.

Taurus - Rishabh ( 20 April - 20 May)
· Neck, gullet, throat, bones of neck, ears, thyroid gland, lower jaw
· Goitre [swelling in neck], weak venous system, obesity

Gemini - Mithuna (21 May - 21 June)
· Skin, respiratory canal, lungs, nervous system, bones of shoulder, collar arms and hands, upper ribs
· Tuberculosis, pneumonia, asthma, nervous tension, gout

Cancer - Kark (22 June - 22 July)
· Breast, chest, heart, stomach, digestive organs, epigastric region
· Cancer, smallpox, dropsy, constant mental maladies,

Leo - Simha (23 July - 22 August)
· Spine, back, pancreas, liver, heart
· Heart, stomach, blood, and spine diseases, Diabetes, low stamina and will power, fainting

Virgo - Kanya (23 August - 22 September)
· Abdominal umbilical region, intestines and bowel
· Appendicitis, constipation, nervous breakdown, masturbation, venereal diseases

Libra - Tula (23 September - 23 October)

· Skin, kidneys, lumber region, ovaries, sperm ducts, ureters, epidermis
· Gout, arthritis, venereal diseases, diabetes, renal stones, Bright's disease, nephritis

Scorpio - Vrischika (24 October - 21 November)
· Urinary system, sexual organs, anus, bladder, nasal organs, pelvic bone, colon
· Piles, boils, urinary tract infection, ulcers, and nervous troubles

Saggitarius - Dhanu (22 November - 21 December)
· Hips, arterial system, thighs, nerves
· Anaemia, jaundice, cold, diabetes, high fever, poor digestion, gout, paralysis, fits

Capricorn - Makara (22 December - 19 January)
· Bones, knees, joints, hair, nails
· Eye, throat, teeth diseases, joint pains, leprosy, leucoderma, elephant feet

Aquarious - Kumbh (20 January - 18 February)
· Legs, ankles, blood circulation
· Cancerous disease, leg fractures, nervous diseases

Pisces - Meena (19 February - 20 March)
· Bones of feet and toes, lymphatic system
· Gout, joint pains, tumours, excess of mucous, tuberculosis

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