This student film is the outcome of a Digital Film Making Workshop by students from St.Mary's School, Dwarka, New Delhi and Flying Birds of India group, Okhla Village, New Delhi. It was held at St.Mary's School, Dwarka, New Delhi (March 19-22, 2012), The workshop was conducted by Aseem Asha Usman. During the workshop participants learned how to make storyboard, how to shoot through still and video cameras, how to record voice over and mix multi sound tracks during sound editing session, how to edit the film and how to promote the film to convey the message. All this was done during 4 day workshop.
Nobody from the colonies hear and discourage them by saying, "Your ideas are fancy". The lead character Aviral Joshi, a student of 11th class from St.Mary's suggested the group to go to the temple which was on their way. Pujari ji helps them to spread the message through their poster campaign in temple and he also suggests them to go to another religious leaders too. After that they meet Maulana of Dwarka Mosque and Priest of St.Thoma Church at Dwarka. Both the religious leaders also help them to spread the message. Pujari, Maulana & Priest themselves save the water in their own way in the film. This plot gives a message to the audience if the religious leaders of India help in spreading the awareness for a noble cause then solution of the issues could be possible easily.